estuary yoga space | north melbourne

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Spinal Extension | Spacious and Steady

Art | Vrksasana Wombat // Every Body Can Yoga | Lucy (Yu) Lawes


When we spend most of our time upright, gravity naturally creates a 'shortening' effect on our spine, and the vertebral space. Extensions are the most subtle of the spinal motions, which is more felt than seen. There is an sense of incrementally lengthening to defy the inclination of spinal compression. We can do this through amplifying a deep, full experience of the breath, as well as through activation of the muscles around shoulders, back and sides to broaden our sensitivity towards imbalances or habitual tension.

Extension can be felt in passive postures like the dangling 'Ragdoll' shape in a Yin practice, as well as active forms. In the latter, tractioning (a feeling of actively extending) the spine can be experienced in postures such as crescent lunge (Ashta Chandrasana) or tree pose (Vrksasana), pushing down against gravity to create upward buoyancy. It is also imporant in inversions like headstand (Sirsasana) where there is both a rooting down through the forearms and a rising up through the pelvis and core.

Practising extensions in inverted postures can be challenging; incrementally, consistent practice can amplify our stamina for physiological stability, as well as the suppleness of breath capacity and internal pathways (including the vessels of blood and lymph). When we have spaciousness around the spinal column, essential signals can circulate more fluidly through the central nervous system. Paying attention to the more subtle spinal sensations also builds interoception (awareness of internal states or sensations). Over time, we get to access a clearer sense of breath and flow of energy whether we are in action or at rest. Who wouldn't want that?

The next time you are practising on the mat, sitting down at the computer, or even brushing your teeth - notice when and where you might feel compressed or depressed around the spine.

What happens if you root your feet down and imagine growing taller? How can our limbs become support systems to build an elegance around how we move the spine through space? When you do notice holding or tensing in areas of your body or your thoughts, this is an excellent place to ask: what next?

You get to choose.


As the Melbourne lockdown continues, you can find our presence online via two Livestream classes per week, and freely available classes via our Practice Online page. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have suggestions or need support around your practice.

We look forward to seeing you online, and reconnecting with you in person!