estuary yoga space | north melbourne

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Twisting | Contracting for Expansion

Art | Twisted Lunge Wombat // Every Body Can Yoga | Lucy (Yu) Lawes


What is so satisfying about twisting?

Twists stimulate circulation, build heat, and release tension in the muscles of the spine, as well as the organs in the abdomen. Together with this enlivening, twists also draw more awareness to our connection to the ground, or our own pelvic base - so we get get tall or long, and make space for the turn of the spine.

The motion of compressing the belly can support the natural processes of digestion, especially when activated with a smooth and complete breath. Twisting can increase the mobility around the abdomen and rib cage by softening the fascial net and musculature, and in many cases, massaging the vagus nerve fibers (which links the brain to many organs). This can all contribute to the 'ahhh' which comes with releasing a twist - a sense of calming, or the experience of knots being untangled, to leave us physically and mentally feeling more balanced and aware of centre.

The compression and contraction of the twisting motion, and the satisfaction of the release, can remind us about the nature of Life itself: what is worthwhile takes effort, and is not always comfortable. But everything passes, and the feeling of freedom lies in our ability to graciously and gratefully let go.

You might try adding a couple of twists every time you sit down or stand up from your computer. Or sprinkle them into your morning or evening routine - standing, seated, or reclined, options are aplenty! Give your spine and your belly some love.


As the Melbourne lockdown continues, you can find our presence online via two Livestream classes per week, and freely available classes via our Practice Online page. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have suggestions or need support around your practice.

We look forward to seeing you online, and reconnecting with you in person!