Posts tagged restore
Nadi Shodana (Alternate Nostril Breath) | Balance and Integration

Developing a steady, unwavering relationship with our breath offers the most reliable and ever-present anchor in a fluctuating, unpredictable world. Learn about Nadi Shodana, Alternate Nostril breath, and how it can guide us towards a more present, balanced sense of body and mind.

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Yoga Nidra for Sleep | Relax with Gill Forsyth (Favourite, revisited!)

Yoga Nidra, sometimes known as yogic sleep, is a practice where the body-mind is guided into a sleep state while the mind is intentionally led through a meditative journey. This time to refresh ourselves on a cellular level is integral for taking action in a wise, discerning and effective way.

A 17 minute practice for anyone, anytime you wish to soak into a deeper, more rejuvenating rest.

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