estuary yoga space | north melbourne

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Forward Folding | Cooling the Mind, Calming the Body

Art | Balasana Wombat // Every Body Can Yoga | Lucy (Yu) Lawes


When we fold forward towards ourselves, there is an invitation for introspection. We literally fold away from the external world, and as we do, the back body opens. Forward folds tend to relax our sense of being towards the 'rest and digest' (Parasympathetic) state in our Autonomic Nervous System. In other words, it sends the message that we are safe, and it's time to move energy towards digesting and replenishing our internal systems.

Though it is applicable to all of our practice, forward folding in particular asks for a quietening of the mind, and an approach towards breathing and moving which is free of tension. Some forward folds, like Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), challenge our sense of centre and core strength. Others invite us to soften into gravity. Instead of constantly moving energy outward, as we do in speaking, gesturing, doing, giving - we quietly listen, without agenda or judgment, for what might be seeking our attention internally.


One way to practice forward folding is Child's Pose, Balasana. It is a great way to open into the inner thighs and hips, while stretching open the sides of the body and the lower back. Delicious after lots of sitting!

In a wide kneeling position, or with knees close to chest width, drop the weight of your sacrum back into the tops of your feet and walk your hands forward to ease a long spine over the thighs. You can spread your arms overhead, or let the backs of the hands come to rest by your feet. Any pillowing of the head or hips can be a wonderful way to bring the ground up.

Allow your breath to be grow smoother, fuller, more curious - perhaps expanding to lift the ribs against the shoulder blades, wide into your side body, or deep into your belly as if filling a lake in your abdomen. Take a generous 8-10 breaths before slowly coming up.

Take a moment to notice any change.
What have you heard? If you were feeling urgency or rush, how might that have altered? What is most important now?


As the Melbourne lockdown continues, you can find our presence online via two Livestream classes per week, and freely available classes via our Practice Online page. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have suggestions or need support around your practice.

We look forward to seeing you online, and reconnecting with you in person!