Your Natural Self: Open, Present Awareness

We speak a lot, this time of year, about Love. Compassion. Generosity. Giving and receiving. Holding space.

Sometimes the most challenging space to hold is also the simplest and most rewarding act of presence - first and foremost, within ourselves.

As the whirl of December sweeps around and through us, it is even more essential to take those little pockets of space - or rather, create little pockets of space - where you can return to a sense of home within yourself. There will be things that stimulate both joy and frustration, praise and blame, enlivening and wilting in your heart. And all of this needs to be processed, digested and assimilated (or let go of) in order to keep our hearts, minds and bodies flowing with change.

'Mindfulness is loving all the details of our lives, and awareness is the natural thing that happens: life begins to open up, and you realize you're always standing at the centre of the world.'

- Pema Chödron

It is not about being self-centred; its empowering the privileges we have, in holding the palette, selecting our colours, and choosing what we wish to paint onto the canvas of each moment. What a treasure.

Whether you're spending time in bountiful company or retreating solo, enjoy this time of transition.
It's been a big year, 2019, and the world will continue to change dramatically as we move into 2020. There is much work to do, creatively and collaboratively. 

What do you wish to explore in the new year ahead, on or off the mat? How can we, as a space within the community, help to facilitate these seedlings?

Leave us a comment below, or
email us to start a conversation. We’re always open to hearing your reflections.

To you, yogis and fellow open-hearted humans -

For your presence, for your practice, for your generous, open hearts and the community you've helped form right here in North Melbourne:


We are SO honoured to share with you this intimate practice of yoga, and all the mirrors and lessons its long lineage holds up to our modern lives. 

Perhaps, if we make each of our own worlds more peaceful, vibrant - one cell at a time, we can collectively shift the consciousness of this shared universal body we call reality. 

To nurturing. To growing. To enlivening, ourselves and each other. To the new year, and the new decade ahead - let’s journey together.

The light of awareness in me acknowledges and bows to the light of awareness in you.

~ Lucy, Andrew, Aria (of course) & the Estuary Yoga team