Posts tagged mindfulness
The Evidence of your Practice | Part 4: A Discerning Self

To reveal and unravel our stories is also to liberate ourselves from being stuck in the same grooves or patterning. This is a pathway towards new possibilities, and deeper layers of understanding.

Part 4 of a series of reflections on how our practice can flow into our lives - and how we can direct these ripples conscientiously.

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The Evidence of your Practice | Part 3: The Witnessing Self

To re-frame a situation through a clearer lens of conscious awareness is to become the witnessing Self.

Part 3 of a series of reflections on how our practice can flow into our lives - and how we can direct these ripples conscientiously.

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The Evidence of your Practice | Part 1: Manas, the Mind

To reflect on how and why we practice is to investigate how these transformations ripple into our lives, and all the lives we intersect with. This is svadhyaya - a form of self-study.

Part 1 of a series of reflections on how our practice can flow into our lives - and how we can direct these ripples conscientiously.

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Your Natural Self: Open, Present Awareness

'Mindfulness is loving all the details of our lives, and awareness is the natural thing that happens: life begins to open up, and you realize you're always standing at the centre of the world.'

- Pema Chödron

On coming home, moving forward, and the challenging ease of simplicity.

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Little self and big Self | 3 Minutes to Re-membering

In the yogic tradition, Self (as opposed to little 's' self) refers to the state of a vast consciousness.

You may have felt this inter-connected, seemingly boundless feeling of peace or contentment as glimpses in your day - when you are most rested, most joyful, most at ease.

What if you’re able to inhabit this space more frequently, and more purposefully?

This practice involves few simple gestures, a few intentional breaths. It won’t ‘fix’ everything, but it will offer you an invaluable wider lens, past habits, fears and habits, on what is truly integral right here.

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The Sacred Pause | How Stopping Helps Us Move, With Purpose

We are all too frequently taught to seek what is comfortable, averting from discomfort or challenge. We get caught in this loop of avoiding the things which will eventually need to be dealt with. It's a bit like leaving dishes in the sink, hoping that when you come back they will be a little easier to clean...

A short reflection on the power of pausing at the crossroads of each moment. A way to create purpose in how you direct the course of your day - and thus your life.

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