Posts tagged reclamation
Myofascial Release and Yoga: The What, the How, and the Why

What is Myofascial Release, how does it work, and how can it bring relief, spaciousness, connection, and all those juicy things we relish in our experience of body?

A short exploration of MFR and ways we can attentively weave this into our practice, and the maintenance of our changing bodies. By David Gorvett // Edit by Lucy Lawes.

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Honouring 26th January as Survival Day: On Truth-telling

We cannot afford to cover over, or forget how we got where we are: this is a potent teacher we can all learn from. What does ‘Australia Day’ really embody, and how can we honour the history and truth-telling about our collective past, and learn from this for more understanding and solidarity in our shared future?

Compassion is not a place to rest: it is a place of great awareness, for action to rise out of. It can begin now.

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